"I used to see myself as an author and a coach,
until Karen encouraged me to step into the role of CEO.
Karen truly supported me in delegating and releasing ownership of the pieces of my business that do not need me meddling in them — as a result, I'm no longer a bottleneck in my own business . Plus, I have more time to do the most important tasks that only I can do.
I literally feel the benefit from our work
together every single day!"
Nancy Levin
Best-Selling Author and Master Life Coach
Nancy wanted to remove herself as the bottleneck in her own business. She was ready to let go, she just needed some best practices.
Nancy, and her integrator Kylie, took the
Bottleneck Rx intensive. It got the two people
at the top of the organization on the same page
and translated the different languages
they may be speaking.
Release! Nancy’s new motto became:
“I only do what only I can do.” And both Nancy
and Kylie now had the language — and the blueprint —
to work stronger together.
Melanie wanted clarity on who her next hire should be and how to prepare for the rapid growth that she was expecting — in both of her two businesses.
The Team/Work Edit™️ improved her org chart and created a Staffing Roadmap, and found ways to make fulfillment smoother and more streamlined. Then I hired for her two empty positions — and later, a third! We continue to work together via my Pocket COO package, for ongoing advice and support.
Confidence in where she’s headed and that
she’s assembled the right team, resources
and support to get there.
"After working with you, I instantly felt
relaxed and on the right path.
Our KPI tracker is so great — now I cannot 'unsee' where the issues are in my business.
I'm still referencing and working through
our plan — I look at it every two weeks to help
keep me on track."
Melanie Coddington
"I grew a team quickly and found myself wondering why I was not any less busy (and even more overwhelmed).
Karen came in, saw the situation from a 30k foot view and pinpointed what was happening and shared how to resolve it.
Now, I feel so much better about hiring, delegation — and deciding who to hire next as I grow."
Tiffany Neuman
Brand Strategist
Tiffany’s team was growing quickly — but she
wasn’t seeing the payoff yet. In fact, it was more
work to manage them and get her own work done. She knew something was off, but she was
too in-the-weeds to see a way out.
A Team Growth VIP day with me allowed us to
assess her team, re-vamp her org chart, and
learn some new tradecraft to get work delegated effectively — so Tiffany could enjoy the fruits
of having a larger team.
Relief! And not only clarity on where
she’s headed — it feels very possible to get there!
Sri’s business growth — and his outlook — were stuck in stagnation. While he had read “everything he could find on bottlenecks” he couldn’t get the traction
he needed to make progress.
A series of deep-dives, which Sri refers to as his “personalized troubleshooting sessions” got us quickly to the root of the problem. We were able to diagnose them accurately, which made solving the issues substantially easier.
Sri is now spending the bulk of his time on growing his business, not running his business. The frustration — and the time crunch — is gone.
"Karen's approach — especially about delegation —
is FAR more useful than anything else
I've read on the internet and I've read a lot.
I've gotten my only scarce asset — my time —
back to use towards more useful things.
I've also increasingly removed myself
as a bottleneck in my business.
We're starting to be able to focus on
the things that matter again."
Sri Mohan
Owner, CEO
"Deciding to work with Karen was one of the
top 3 business investments I've made in
the growth of my company.
She is brilliant at seeing what is possible
for a business and what needs to shift
operationally to make it work.
Karen is a secret weapon!"
Patty Lennon
As Patty explained, “I had taken my business as
far as my visionary brain could carry me,” and she craved support for her operations
and team development.
A VIP Annual Planning Day + ongoing monthly support allowed Patty to shift into true CEO mode, with
a team that was poised to truly support her
where she needed it.
The ability to step away! Confidence in the team she’s assembled and the processes in place where
the work of the business happens even when
she’s not in the office.
Pocket COO Services &
Business Operations Strategy
You’re in the right place if your growing business isn't quite ready to hire a full-time COO, but you want C-level strategic advice to draw on through your next chapter.
On this Site, We Explore:
• Defeating Shiny Object Syndrome
• Equity-Centered Business Practices
• Goal-Setting, Delegation, Meeting Management & more
The Hidden Work of Leadership
If you don't have the bandwidth for another newsletter — this is the one that gives you back your time.
Start Here:
• What I mean by the Hidden Work of Leadership (and how it impacts you hitting your goals) (The Video)
• How to Integrate Your Values into Your Hiring Process (Read Here)
• #GrowthPlans - Articles for Building & Leading Growing Business & a Strong Team. (Library Dashboard)